Skip Sizes

Our Skip Sizes

McKenna provides a large range of skip sizes from mini skips to large maxi skips. Our selection of skip sizes makes us the perfect solution for skip hire in South Wales for both domestic and commercial customers.

Skips are typically measured in cubic yards. Our smallest skips are 4yd which will hold approximately 40 bin bags, ideal for a small clearout. If you’re looking for a bit more, then our 16yd skips will hold roughly 160 bin bags, perfect for an office clearout or a large project at a home.

Please see below an example of our skip sizes and how much they can hold:

Enclosed Skip Available In
8yd, 12yd, 16yd.

RORO Skip Available In
20yd, 30yd, 40yd.

If you’re looking for a skip size to fit, but are limited for space, contact us for more information where we can help advise which skip to choose from. Our smallest skip is approximately 4 x 3 x 3 foot and go up in size.

Please note that skip contents are not meant to exceed the level load, so please ensure you order a skip large enough for your job.

Contact McKenna Skip Hire & Son for help and advice in choosing your skip.